How do I join PeerHelp?
First, complete the Join Form at
What are the annual fees?
A full year subscription is $100 + a First Year one-time $20 Registration Fee, for a total of $120, and $100 thereafter, renewed by January 10th each year
- First year subscription
$100 regular annual fee + First Year one-time $20 Registration Fee $120 - Joining after July 1st
$50 + one time $20 Registration Fee $70 - Joining after October 1st
Join from Oct 1 and add upcoming full year $140
Annual Renewals
regular annual renewal fee for full year $100
Rejoin if unsubscribed
for non-renewal by deadline, regular fee + a $40 Admin Fee $140
Renewal date annually: January 10th renewal deadline
If you miss the renewal date of Jan 10th, an administration fee of $40 is levied, and your fee to rejoin after being unsubscribed is $140.
What payment methods can be used?
Payment methods –
Please add your own name, the words “New Member!” and email address you want to use on PeerHelp in the memo field of any payment method made, and not your company name, or we will not be able to add you!
- Preferred method: Interac eTransfer via email from a Canadian bank, sent to
For the security question, to avoid voiding transfers by incorrect entries, we ask that all users please use Question “ the name of this ListServ ” and the Answer in all lower case is: peerhelp
- credit card via
- Cheque payable to Ferreira-Wells, sent to: Ferreira-Wells Immigration, 1377 Bathurst Street, Toronto ON M5R3H8 Canada
Do not use your company name, or we will not be able to add you!
Thanks so much for your help in this!
What are the terms of use of PeerHelp?
I agree to the terms set out in the Rules of Participation posted at
I agree to pay the annual fee of $100 at the beginning of each subscription year, + a First Year one-time $20 Registration Fee. Renewal date is January 10th of each year. There are no refunds for fees paid for any reason.
Please start a new thread for new subjects, with a subject line that reflects your topic – question
Please identify yourself via a signature card in outgoing emails: have your name, title, city, and contact info shown at the bottom of your emails, especially important for new forum members!
Invoices will be sent in December via generic Email format, to the email address that you are currently using on the PeerHelp forum.
Failure to renew by January 10th will mean your account will be deactivated the following day.
Payments to restore your subscription after being unsubscribed after January 10th subscribers must add $40 admin fee, for a total of $140.
Please send any questions about terms or invoicing to the forum administrators at and not to the entire Colleagues forum, with our thanks!
Membership is a privilege, and not a right. Members may be suspended or deleted from membership if the Steering Committee finds a member to be in violation of the rules of participation, and there will be no refund for prepaid fees.
Fees are subject to change. Notice will be given via a post to the ListServ at least 30 days in advance of any changes to the annual renewal rate, which will be reflected in the invoice that is sent to you at renewal time.
By making your payment, you signify that you agree to and accept the Rules of PeerHelp, and the fees and terms set out above.
How do I post, reply, and find missing emails in PeerHelp ListServ Forum?
Please review the following reminders for posting to the PeerHelp ListServ forum for the first time, and finding any missing inbound emails:
- PeerHelp ListServ is an email forum, where all members see all posts immediately. ListServs are not web based bulletin boards – no need to log in to check discussions. They are all in your inbox. Older emails are not archived.
- Email traffic on PeerHelp ListServ, like other listservs, can be heavy, and a bit overwhelming for a new user not used to receiving such high volume of email. To keep it separate from client and other emails, many use a dedicated email account set up just for this and similar subscriptions.
Others use ‘Rules’ tool to redirect – move all inbound emails to a specific folder in their email program. Using one of these 2 ideas is highly recommended.
- To post to the forum for the first time, use only this outgoing email – please do not post to the outbound email address from the server shown below!
- You will not see your own posts! as copies of your outgoing post, or your replies to others’ posts, are not sent back to you as a copy. You will see replies to your post, with your post below it. Resist the temptation to re-post, or to post ‘test’ emails to the forum for that reason.
- Create a new post for a new question, do not add your new question to an old email: and remember to change the subject line.
- If you are detouring a long multi-response popular string into a new nuanced direction, consider leaving the thread intact, but alter the subject line to show the new direction of where the detour is heading.
- Do your own research, and post your conclusions – reasons – questions to clarify. Do not use PeerHelp to simply post your clients’ queries and ask your peers to do your work and heavy lifting for you!
- Not every post will get a response. RCICs are busy, and not every topic will have a subject expert available to reply.
- To get best chance at a reply, have the topic line be as specific as possible on the subject: Helpful: “ Newly landed PR mother died, must travel before PR Card arrived, how?” Unhelpful: “ Need your urgent help, reposting”
- When you reply to the forum, simply hit ‘Reply’ and the system will handle the response to the correct address automatically.
- You must use the exact same email account you subscribed for use with PeerHelp, or your email will be returned, bounced, as undeliverable.
- The inbound emails to you will all arrive from Please add this address to your safe senders – whitelist address book, and please do not post to that address, as it is for outbound only from the Server and your posts will bounce
- If you are missing your emails from the new PeerHelp ListServ forum, they are very likely all waiting for you now in your junk – spam folders, or being blocked by your email program or ISP.
- Start by checking your junk – spam folders first, 99% of inquiries were fixed by just doing that! Find one email, mark it as “ not junk “ and add the incoming email address as well as to your address book – safe sender ‘whitelist’.
- If this does not work, please contact your ISP – internet service provider, and ask them to help you.
- Those who send Test messages to the forum without having done all these steps already won’t see the responses of their peers who write back saying, “yes, we see you!”
Our thanks for your patience in getting your email settings for PeerHelp working properly.
Are Students of IPP Programs allowed to join?
Yes, Students at IPP are allowed to be members of PeerHelp for their education and professional development, but they are not allowed to post questions or comments to the Forum until they have passed the full exams and become RCIC licensed designated.
We ask that you follow up with us immediately when you become a full RCIC, and we will update your status to allow posting, or at renewal time to let us know your progress and intentions towards becoming an RCIC, as there is a time limit of one year or the next renewal transitioning from being a Student Member to being RCIC.
Student at IPP: How to find missing emails in PeerHelp ListServ Forum.
Please review the following reminders for finding any missing inbound emails: Kindly Note Students at IPP are only allowed to post Questions or Replies once you are a full RCIC! When you receive your RCIC R#, email us and we will update your subscription!
- Email traffic on PeerHelp ListServ, like other listservs, can be heavy, and a bit overwhelming for a new user not used to receiving such high volume of email. To keep it separate from client and other emails, many use a dedicated email account set up just for this and similar subscriptions.
Others use ‘Rules’ tool to redirect – move all inbound emails to a specific folder in their email program. Using one of these 2 ideas is highly recommended.
- The inbound emails to you will all arrive from Please add this address to your safe senders – whitelist address book, and please do not post to that address, as it is for outbound only from the Server and your posts will bounce
- If you are missing your emails from the new PeerHelp ListServ forum, they are very likely all waiting for you now in your junk – spam folders, or being blocked by your email program or ISP.
- Start by checking your junk – spam folders first, 99% of inquiries were fixed by just doing that! Find one email, mark it as “ not junk “ and add the incoming email address as well as to your address book – safe sender ‘whitelist’.
- If this does not work, please contact your ISP – internet service provider, and ask them to help you.
- Those who send Test messages to the forum without having done all these steps already won’t see the responses of their peers who write back saying, “yes, we see you!”
After you are a full RCIC you may refer to the full set of tips and directions above on how to post, and other tips.
PeerHelp. Learn. Ask. Share.